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FAQ About Profile Wire
 Profile Wire Forms
 Our Capability

 Properties of Profile Wire

Profile Wire Screen Products

 Profile Wire Screen Elements

 Wedge Wire

 Stainless Steel Profile Wire      Screen

 Profile Wire Slotted Tubes

 Welded Profile Wire Screen

 Flat Welded Screen

 Looped Screen

 Profile Wire Cylinders

 Support Tubes

 Continuous Cylinder Screen

 Centrifuge Screen Baskets

Vibrating Screen & roducts

 Sieve Bend Screen

Hooked Vibrating Screen
 Horizontal Vibrating Screen

 Dewatering Vibrating Screen


Xia Wei Rui
Experts in Profile Wire Products

Properties of Profile Wire

Profile wire screen offers excellent mechanical and hydraulic properties.

Profile wire has high quality mechanical structure of fusion welded screens offering resistance to overloading, the screens ability to function correctly is not affected, even with reduced capacity and a higher pressure loss, the operational safety remains. Profile wire also offers high open area.

Slot Configuration
Profile wire screens can be manufactured with varying slot and wire configurations.





  Export Products 

Stainless Steel Profile Wire Screen
Profile Wire Slotted Tubes
Welded Profile Wire Screen



XiaWeiRui Profile Wire Screen Co.
Email: sales@profilewire.net   URL: https://www.profilewire.net