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Profile Wire Screen Products

 Profile Wire Screen Elements

 Wedge Wire

 Stainless Steel Profile Wire      Screen

 Profile Wire Slotted Tubes

 Welded Profile Wire Screen

 Flat Welded Screen

 Looped Screen

 Profile Wire Cylinders

 Support Tubes

 Continuous Cylinder Screen

 Centrifuge Screen Baskets

Vibrating Screen & roducts

 Sieve Bend Screen

Hooked Vibrating Screen
 Horizontal Vibrating Screen

 Dewatering Vibrating Screen


Xia Wei Rui
Experts in Profile Wire Products

Looped Screen

We manufacture precise looped welded screens.
The profile wires are made of round wire and then affixed to round support wires that go through loops in the surface wires. The loop forming allows narrow tolerances on the slots.

The looped screens are mainly used as curved screen as sieve bends. The dewatering and separating performance of these screens may be improved through special surface treatments like polishing.
Materials: Stainless Steel






  Export Products 

Stainless Steel Profile Wire Screen
Profile Wire Slotted Tubes
Welded Profile Wire Screen



XiaWeiRui Profile Wire Screen Co.
Email: sales@profilewire.net   URL: https://www.profilewire.net